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FY2017 CoC Program NOFA

July 17, 2017 | April 24, 2018 | 8,488 total views

FY2017 CoC Consolidated Application

CoC Policies

Proposers' Conference (Webinar Only)

Webinar Link: http://global.gotomeeting.com/join/547923117

RFP Documents

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Addendum #1 

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Addendum #2 

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Addendum #3 

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Questions and Answers 

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - MyOrg Application

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Application Questions PDF

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Budget Template

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Program Profile (Page 1 of 2) 

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Program Profile (Page 2 of 2) 

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Subcontractor Profile

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Proposers Conference PowerPoint

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Proposers Conference Recording 

2017 CoC Program New Projects RFP - Quality Review Results and Recommendations

CoC Renewal Performance Evaluation & Reallocation

2017 CoC Renewal Projects Performance Evaluation – Full Methodology - (Including Project Selection & Ranking) 

2017 CoC Renewal Project Evaluation – Appeal Process and Form  

2017 CoC Program Reallocation Policy  

CoC Project Ranking

2017 CoC Priority List Ranking Strategy

Fy 2017 Final COC NOFA Project Ranking

Fy 2017 Final COC NOFA Reallocated Projects List

Fy 2017 Final COC NOFA Partially Reallocated (Reduced) Projects List

NOFA Timeline

Date Time Details
April 13, 2017   Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) Released
April 28, 2017 5:00 PM Change Form Submission Deadline
July 31, 2017 5:00 PM HUD form 2880 Deadline
August 28, 2017 5:00 PM Renewal and New Project Application Submission in eSNAPS Deadline

RFP Timeline

Date Time Details
August 3, 2017   RFP Released
August 4, 2017 1:00pm-3:00pm Proposers' Conference (Webinar Only)
August 7, 2017 2:00pm Written Questions Due
August 14, 2017 2:00pm Submission Deadline

eSNAPS Additional Guidance

Importing Guidance for HUD Directs and Public Housing Authorities 

PHA Sample Agreements

HACoLA - Sample CoC Program Agreement

HUD form 2880 - Applicant/Recipient Disclosure

HUD form 2880 - Instructions

HUD form 2880

HUD form 2880 - Disclosure Report Form

Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW)

FY2017 Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW)

FY2017 Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) Change Form

FY2017 Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) Instructions


FY2016 CoC Program NOFA

FY2015 CoC Program NOFA

FY2014 CoC Program NOFA



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