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HACLA Zero Income Certification & New HACLA Email Policy

HACLA Zero Income Certification
The Housing Authority of the City of LA (HACLA) has updated their policy on zero income certification. Effective immediately, applicants with no income will self-certify on a signed statement that they have no income. Additional verification of zero income from SSA, DPSS, and EDD will no longer be required.

New HACLA Email Policy
As a result of the pandemic and remote working, document submission often occurs via email. In an attempt to confirm the successful email exchange of required documentation, HACLA has implemented a process to send a “receipt” email indicating that emails with attachments have been received. Follow-up emails will be sent if the document is incomplete or illegible. HACLA requests that partners reciprocate by sending a “received” email to HACLA workers who email document attachments.

*Until otherwise stated, both LACDA and HACLA will allow clients to self-certify for zero income without submitting additional verification.

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